TSX.V: KLD $0.000.00


Quebec, Canada

39,365 ha


Deposit Type(s):
Orogenic Au, Intrusion-related Au, VMS

The Frotet Project covers 39,365 ha of the Frotet-Evans Archean greenstone belt within the Opatica geological sub-province of Quebec. The property is adjacent to the past-producing Troilus Au-Cu mine and covers several major deformation zones associated with known orogenic gold prospects, as well as stratigraphy hosting VMS deposits elsewhere in the belt.

The Frotet Project is held under an earn-in option to joint venture agreement with Sumitomo Metal Mining Canada Limted (SMMCL: 65%; Kenorland: 35%) where SMMCL has a further option to acquire an additional 15% interest, to hold a total 80% interest in the Frotet Project by funding an additional C$4 million in exploration expenditures by November 2021. Kenorland would then retain a 20% participating interest.  If either party is diluted below 10% their interest would convert to a 2% uncapped NSR.

Technical Presentation

Technical Report

The project is located 100 kilometers to the north of Chibougamau, Quebec. Favorable infrastructure exists in the project area with an extensive forestry road network as well as the Route-du-Nord crossing the southwestern portion of the property. A power transmission line also crosses through the property which supplied power to the past producing Troilus mine.

The Archean Frotet-Evans greenstone belt (2793-2755 Ma) is comprised of a volcanic package dominated by mafic to felsic metavolcanic rocks.  The lower volcanic sequences are mafic dominant, composed of basaltic komatiites and high magnesium to iron tholeiites, while the upper sequences are generally intermediate to felsic in composition.  Mafic intrusions are volumetrically abundant throughout the stratigraphic sequence, generally present as differentiated sills contemporaneous with the volcanic strata.  Thin horizons of sedimentary rocks, consisting of argillites, greywackes and minor conglomerates are intercalated throughout the stratigraphy. Structurally, the volcanic sequences have been strongly deformed as a result of at least two major deformation events (2720-2690 Ma and 2690-2680 Ma) marked by several regional-scale folds dominating the core of the belt, and numerous major NE trending structures transecting the property. A significant number of small, high grade gold-quartz veins have been discovered across the belt, as well as multiple Zn-Cu-Ag-Au VMS deposits occurring in the southern portions of the belt. Together, the structural architecture combined with favorable lithological constraints and proven fertility indicate the Frotet-Evans Project is highly prospective for significant orogenic gold, intrusion-related gold (e.g. Troilus) and VMS mineralization.

Limited systematic historic exploration has been completed across Kenorland’s claim package. The discovery of copper-nickel bearing float samples in 1958 led to a staking rush, and subsequent discovery of many of the VMS deposits to the south of the current property.  The NE trending structural corridor and Troilus Au-Cu deposit were discovered in the mid 1980’s as the result of reconnaissance exploration programs by Kerr Addison (lake sediment and soil sampling, and prospecting) concentrated along the western half of the Frotet-Evans greenstone belt. The area has seen very little follow-up exploration since the 1980’s, but modern geophysical surveys have added to the structural understanding of the Frotet-Evans greenstone belt architecture. As the project area is extensively covered with glacial till and many small lakes, Kenorland’s targeting strategy has been to apply a systematic exploration approach to the Frotet-Evans Project; integrating modern geochemical and geophysical datasets to the current geological understanding. This systematic approach has led to the identification of high-level follow-up targets, which are currently being tested.

The Frotet Project was acquired by Kenorland through map staking in March, 2017 and was optioned to Sumitomo Mining Metals Canada Limited (“SMMCL”) in April, 2018.  In summer of 2018, Kenorland completed a property-wide B-horizon soil sampling program (till substrate) over 55,921 ha on an approximate 1500m x 150m grid for a total of 2308 samples.  In winter of 2018-2019 a high-resolution helicopter-borne aeromagnetic survey was flown over areas of gold-in-soil anomalism.  In spring of 2019, a property-wide LIDAR survey was flown to give context to surficial geology conditions and structural geology.  In summer of 2019, infill soil sampling, till sampling, geologic mapping and boulder prospecting were conducted in anomalous areas.  This work defined the Regnault target area, which was selected for a maiden diamond drilling program in winter of 2020. Prior to diamond drilling Kenorland conducted further geophysical testing including a very high-resolution drone-based aeromagnetic survey and an induced polarisation (IP) survey to aide in the delineation of diamond drill targets.

The maiden drill program at the Regnault target consisted of 6,000m of diamond drill core, which intersected significant gold mineralization in 8 out of the 15 holes testing various geological and geophysical targets. A follow-up 1,800m diamond drill program in the summer of 2020 also intersected significant gold mineralization in the Regnault target area, including in a newly identified gold-bearing structure. Upon discovery of a mineralized system at Regnault, Kenorland entered into an option agreement with O3 Mining to acquire the mineral rights to the south of the Regnault target, which is referred to as the Regnault South area. Detailed helicopter-borne aeromagnetic data and detailed B-horizon soils have been collected during the summer of 2020 and a detailed 3D IP survey has been conducted to infill the previous IP data over Regnault and extends into the Regnault South area. A 3rd phase of diamond drilling at Regnault, including Regnault South is scheduled to commence in the winter of 2021.