TSX.V: KLD $0.000.00


Quebec, Canada

18,177 ha


Deposit Type(s):
Au-VMS, Intrusion-related Au, Orogenic Au

The Hunter Project covers 18,177 ha of a felsic volcanic complex within the Abitibi Greenstone Belt (AGB), which is highly prospective for syn-volcanic, Au-VMS & Au-porphyry type deposits such as the Horne 5, LaRonde, Cote Lake, Windfall & Troilus deposits. The project is located in the Abitibi clay belt, with very little bedrock exposure and therefore the area has seen very little systematic exploration when compared to other areas within the AGB.

Technical Presentation

The project is located approximately 20 km south of the city of La Sarre, Quebec with provincial highway 393 crossing the eastern portion of the property. A network of provincial and private roads provides excellent access throughout the property.

The Hunter project covers a large package of calc-alkaline mafic to felsic volcanic rocks, belonging to the Deloro Complex and approximately 20km of the upper geological contact between the Deloro and the Stoughton-Roquemarue tholeiitic complex which represents a transition into a rifted arc setting. Within the Abitibi Greenstone Belt this transitional geologic contact is spatially associated with the majority of large VMS deposits. VMS deposits formed along rifted arcs are recognized to contain more precious metal enrichment than other VMS systems.

The Hunter project is located within the Abitibi Clay Belt, an area blanketed by glaciolacustrine clays which typically inhibit all surficial geochemical exploration and therefore the Hunter area has seen little-to-no systematic exploration. Despite this lack of systematic exploration, glacial till samples from reverse circulation (RC) drilling have returned Au in heavy mineral concentrate values within the 98th percentile of enrichment for all samples digitized throughout the AGB by Kenorland Minerals (proprietary data), These results strongly suggest that there is a local gold-in-bedrock source. . Poly-metallic Cu-Au-Mo showings containing values of up to 100 g/t Au further highlight the prospectivity of the area.

There has been no surficial exploration on the Hunter property and only limited glacial till RC drilling completed by Overburden Drilling Management (ODM) between 1986 and 1989. A total of 169 diamond drill holes have been drilled on the property, 48 of which were part of a water-well program in the northern Abitibi region in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Of the remaining drill holes 30 were completed directly on strike of the Hunter VMS mine and the remaining 31 were sparsely distributed targeting bedrock conductors from MEGATEM data.