TSX.V: KLD $0.000.00


Alaska, USA

45,900 ha


Deposit Type(s):
Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au

The Tanacross Project covers 45,900 hectares of prospective ground in the Yukon-Tanana Terrane, which hosts the Casino porphyry Cu-Au-Mo-Ag deposit and the Coffee & Pogo orogenic Au deposits.  Widespread hydrothermal alteration and several notable occurrences of porphyry style mineralization have been recognized on the property, including mineralized intrusive centers at East Taurus, West Taurus, and Bluff, which demonstrates significant potential to host additional large porphyry copper systems.

Technical Presentation

Technical Report

The Project is located 80 kilometers northeast of Tok, Alaska. Summer access to the property is either by helicopter or by fixed wing aircraft to gravel airstrips located at the East Taurus, West Taurus and Bluff prospects. A twenty five-person semi-permanent camp is located next to the 600 meter air strip at West Taurus.  The property can also be accessed by a 70 kilometer winter access route which connects to the Taylor Highway near Tok.

The geology of the Tanacross area is dominated by middle to upper Paleozoic metamorphic rocks of the Yukon-Tanana terrane, which have been intruded by Mesozoic to Tertiary granitoids. The Tanacross Project is located at the intersection between two major, terrane-scale structures: the NW trending, arc-parallel Big Creek Fault system and the NE trending, arc-perpendicular Sixtymile-Pika Fault system.  The project is underlain by a regional magnetic anomaly identified from upward-continuation of magnetic data, suggesting the presence of a large buried batholith responsible for the clustering of porphyry systems at surface. Several high-level porphyry occurrences have been mapped across the property concentrated along a ridge where rock crops out, including the Taurus Cu-Mo-Au porphyry deposit.  The majority of the property is covered by residual soils and vegetation, concealing multiple additional targets with similar signatures to areas of known mineralization identified through interpretation of regional soil geochemistry  and  geophysical survey data.

Copper-molybdenum mineralization was first discovered in the area in 1970 by International Minerals and Chemicals Corp which led to the discovery of the Taurus Cu-Mo-Au porphyry system. The USGS conducted regional stream sediment sampling for the Tanacross quadrangle in the mid 1970’s, stimulating exploration activity within the vicinity of the project area. Subsequent exploration programs focused on additional stream sediment and soil sampling and geologic mapping, identifying several porphyry Cu-Mo and banded Pb-Zn-Ag-Au prospects. In general, follow-up was limited to shallow drilling on a number of these prospects, with the exception of the Taurus system which has seen several drill campaigns.

Despite these early campaigns the area covered by Kenorland’s Tanacross property  remains largely untested. Recent tectonic and metallogenic work  completed by the Mineral Deposit Research Unit (MDRU) at the University of British Columbia  as part of the Yukon-Alaska Metallogeny Project, as well as regional campaigns undertaken by the USGS have greatly added to the understanding of structural and temporal controls of deposit types throughout the region.

The majority of the Tanacross project was acquired through physical staking in February, 2017.  In June, 2017 Kenorland acquired the Taurus Claims from a private owner, which cover the East Taurus and West Taurus Cu-Mo-Au porphyry prospects.  In the summer of 2017 Kenorland geologists conducted a property-wide, ridge and spur soil sampling program.  In the summer of 2018, Freeport-McMoRan funded additional ridge and spur soil sampling in prospective areas as follow up to the 2017 program.  In the summer of 2019, a property-wide helicopter borne ZTEM / aeromagnetic survey was flown in order to identify geophysical expressions of buried porphyry bodies.  In summer of 2019 a 9,000 meter diamond drill program was completed targeting known porphyry mineralization and geochemical anomalism. Kenorland plans to complete follow-up exploration on targets identified from the 2019 ZTEM survey, including detailed geological mapping and sampling, detailed geophysics and diamond drilling during the summer of 2021.